Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Voice of Silence > Page 3


The First Language ~ Voice of Silence

no wording & no listening & no hearing

Page 3

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Since Spirit is the Unity - Omnipresence (everywhere-presence)-, nothing done or said in Spirit can arise separately from the Spirit. We, in thought, divide Reality, while Truth is Unity. When we, also, have integrity in action or speech, we mean most truly a unity of self and what is spoken or done. A lack of integrity occurs even when speaking something true, yet that spoken not agreeing with ourselves and the Whole. Even telling the truth, we act in duplicity, contradictory to our unity, the expression of the Unity of Life. In the Light, the Light is Whole and cannot be parted into separate parts. So, to say that the Light speaks, we hear, and, then, we speak what we heard, this is a reduction that diminishes the truth of Truth, even when we best reflect the Truth. And the Way is a way forward, yet a return to the Unity, both in ourselves in the Light, and in how we live, speak, and act.

Is it then, any surprise, that Jesus, when healing persons, used the word for "made whole," rather than "cured" or "made well" - the latter mistranslations of the Scripture. So, the wellness, hence wholeness, of the body in the Jesus teaching mirrors and arises from the wholeness - so Whole - God is. In this, our being whole is our participating in the Whole-God-Is - so, the Unity-God-Is.

Hence, the first language is not out of God, but is God. We do not center down to hear God, but we center down into God. And centered down in God, the thought "God" dissolves in the skylike Pure Presence.

So, what is this language we have forgotten? We cannot say it in speaking it, but we can know it. And when we know it, we know even more that we cannot say it - but the Light shares Itself through us. And Word words Itself through our words, though in refraction, so a lessening of its prior potency.

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A student asked Robert Adams about the teaching, in Advaita Vedanta, that when the mind drops, you - the little 'i' - do nothing, yet doing itself continues. The student refers, for example, to "cooking" and "driving your car."

When the mind is gone, then those things are spontaneous. What we call the Self, consciousness, motivates you. You will do all those things spontaneously. All the things that you have to do will be done. But it will no longer be the mind doing this. It will be consciousness - the Self.

Is this not what the Christian Scriptures means, when saying, in Galatians 5.15, "Walk in (i.e., live in, from) the Spirit (ruach; or, spirit), and you will not bring to fruition egoic desires."

The Self, or Soul (ruah), will act through the form of person. Before, the sense of person, being a thought, acted as an actor, the chief doer. Surrender of the "i" into the "I" means the latter spontaneously expresses the action of Grace, and that action is from Spirit - the "I" is the means, Spirit is the Source.

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Jesus echoes this spontaneity, a unity of word and wording, or acting, in the Gospel of John 12.49-50 -

For I have not said what I chose to say; instead, I have said to others what the Father told me to say. And I know what He says is Life eternal. Hence, what I say, I speak precisely from what the Father has told me.

We can best see this in the sense of the Spirit speaking in oneness with what Jesus speaks - not that Jesus heard a voice telling him what to say. Instead, Jesus has so yielded his sense of self, or self-consciousness, that his voice spontaneously, unselfconsciously speaks in unity with the Truth. Hence, there is no gap between what the Father says, and Jesus says.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Voice of Silence > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024